Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Twin Evils: Tooth Loss and Gum Disease

Mar 30, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Restorative Dentistry

Tooth loss and gum disease could be considered twin evils; they go hand in hand and feed off of each other. While there are many advanced restorative dentistry options available to reconstruct mouths that have been affected by tooth loss and gum disease, too many people allow their mouths to fall into further disrepair, even after clear damage has been done. What they may not realize is that their problems do not end once a tooth has been lost or their gums have stopped actively hurting. Indeed, if left untreated, their problems have just begun.

In a perfect world, we would all visit the dentist twice a year for thorough oral exams and professional cleanings, keeping gum disease at bay and plaque and tartar in check. In our imperfect world, however, most people seek out dental treatment sporadically, often waiting only until they are experiencing some sort of issue. As a result, tooth loss and gum disease are very real problems.

At our Philadelphia, PA cosmetic, restorative, and general dentistry practice, Artistic Expressions Dentistry, we are not in the business of judging people for their past oral health habits. We are in the business of helping people achieve the healthiest mouths possible and then partnering with them to maintain good oral health for the rest of their lives. If your oral health has been compromised by tooth loss and gum disease, we want to help. Schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Bruce Wilderman today, and take that first step toward restoring your mouth to an optimal state of health, beauty, and function.

The Relationship between Tooth Loss and Gum Disease

Despite its name, gum disease affects more than just the gums. Especially in its latter stages, periodontitis, it also affects the jaw bone tissues that support the teeth, causing them to lose their density and start to degrade. During this stage, the gums themselves start to pull away from the teeth, and the ligaments that support the teeth also become damaged. The more noticeable symptoms of periodontitis include receding gums, which make the teeth appear longer; bad breath; a perpetually bad taste in the mouth; and the development of pockets between the teeth and the gums.

At this point, the gums may also become swollen and painful, which leads many patients to seek treatment. Those who don’t may find that the pain subsides for a period, which can mislead them into believing that the worst is over. However, during this period, the teeth can start to become loose. If gum disease remains untreated at this point, the teeth will almost certainly fall out.

While there is a point at which it may be too late to salvage the teeth, modern restorative dentistry has made it possible to reconstruct the mouth to nearly its optimal state through dental implants, bone and gum grafts, and other advanced methods. Truly, it is never too late to seek treatment and start a fresh, new chapter on a healthy smile.

Learn More about Tooth Loss and Gum Disease

For further information on the treatment of tooth loss and gum disease, please contact Artistic Expressions Dentistry today.