Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Tooth Pain After a Getting a Dental Filling: What to Do?

Oct 7, 2014 @ 09:39 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Dental Fillings General Dental Care Tooth Decay Restorative Dentistry

Here at Artistic Expressions Dentistry, we take great care in serving patients throughout the greater Philadelphia. That means comprehensive dental care that meets diverse needs. Placing fillings is one of the most common kinds of services we offer, combining general and restorative dentistry to improve overall dental health and wellness. We have noticed that some patients report pain after getting a filling placed. Let's consider this matter in more detail right now.

Is pain after getting a dental filling very common?

Not always, but it can happen in a number of cases and some mild discomfort is normal if it occurs.

It's not uncommon for patients to report feeling pain or sensitivity immediately after having a filling placed. This can be caused by a number of things, including a patient’s environment and the foods he or she eats immediately after the procedure.

What causes the pain to occur?

Prepping a tooth for a filling does involve the removal of some tooth structure, so some degree or soreness is to be expected as part of the prepping process. Similarly, the tooth may be sensitive to hot or cold substances soon after the prepping for the filling has been performed, which is normal.

Tooth pain after a filling can also be caused if a filling is too high, resulting in an uneven bite or tooth position. If this is the case, your dentist will be able to treat this by reshaping the dental filling.

When finishing a dental filling or restoration, sometimes there's a rough or sharp edge that's left behind. Be sure to note this to your dentist so that the restoration can be reshaped and smoothed down.

In some cases, the metals used in your filling may cause a sharp shock to your tooth root and pulp chamber. In simple terms, this pain is being caused by a small electric current in your mouth. This only occurs after your teeth touch immediately following a new filling. If you are experiencing this shock, see your dentist immediately.

How long will the pain last?

Typically, this pain resolves itself within a few weeks and does not require additional pain medication. However, you should contact your dentist if the pain persists for longer than two to four weeks.

If over-the-counter treatments such as specialized toothpastes for tooth sensitivity do not resolve the issue, it may be an indicator of a more advanced condition. Your dentist will check for additional tooth decay, and if necessary, may suggest advanced procedures such as a root canal.

Treatments for Pain After Getting a Filling

The right treatment for your needs will vary based on a number of factors.

In general, the pain will be resolved by making adjustments to the filling that has been placed or by replacing the dental filling entirely. During the latter instance, a new restoration will be custom created and crafted.

Your exact treatment option for alleviating this restoration pain can be discussed in more detail during your visit to our practice.

Learn More About Your Options for Advanced Dental Care

For more information about your options for treating tooth pain and tooth decay, it's important that you contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. The entire team here at Artistic Expressions Dentistry looks forward to helping you with improving your overall dental health and wellness.