Artistic Expressions Dentistry

The Wand Dental Anesthesia

Jan 15, 2013 @ 10:22 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Dental Anesthetic Dental Anxiety Fear Of The Dentist Dental Technology

Many people experience fear and anxiety when they visit the dentist. In many cases, this is caused by an understandable aversion to pain while undergoing a treatment of some kind. There have been many advances in dental care treatment techniques and technology that have resulted in a reduction of pain for patients. One such step forward is the Wand, a revolutionary way for dentists to administer local anesthetic. The team at our Philadelphia cosmetic dentistry center would like to look at the Wand briefly so you understand what it can achieve.

Old-Fashioned Dental Injections

In the past, local anesthetic used to be administered with traditional syringes. These have been a tried and true solution for years, but today, our dental care center serving Philadelphia prefers to side with state-of-the-art methods of care.

Pain and Fear from Needles

The needle on a syringe can be quite off-putting, and to some, it's downright scary. Surprisingly, the pain from the local anesthetic injection is not from the needle itself but from the anesthetic being introduced into the tissue. Both of these can result in dental anxiety, which may also mean avoidance of the dentist. If you avoid visiting the dentist, there are many major dental problems that you may face down the road.

The Wand - A Major Step Forward

The Wand does away with the old syringe. Instead, the Wand consists of a small console similar to a computer tower and a handheld device that resembles a pen. This pen-like handpiece replaces the syringe and delivers the anesthetic into the treatment area carefully, monitored the entire time by computer in order to evenly and slowly administer the solution without causing pain.

How the Wand Works

During a general, restorative, or cosmetic dentistry, the dentist will hold the Wand handpiece just as he or she would a ballpoint pen. There is a small needle on the handpiece, but nowhere near as big as a traditional syringe. Once the Wand has been properly positioned, the computer does the rest of the work, delivering the local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. That's all there is to it. Your dentist can then proceed with treatment.

What This Means for Patients

For patients who are undergoing major restorative dentistry work, this means virtually pain-free dental care. The injection is far more comfortable than that of a syringe since it is computer controlled and carefully monitored.

Other Options for Optimal Dental Care

The Wand isn't the only step forward in dental care technology. There are plenty of other instruments that can enhance your dental care experience as well as the overall appearance of your smile. Whether we're using the latest in Philadelphia porcelain veneers or advanced digital scans and imaging, you can rest assured that we have your best interests in mind each time you stop by our office.

Learn More About Advanced Dental Care Technology

For more information about the many other treatment options available as well as the advanced technology we use, be sure to contact our Doylestown cosmetic dentistry center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you have the healthiest and best-looking smile possible.